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Privacy policy for DollarUZ.com application on Android

This application uses user data. The data content and those processing ways are described below.

If you are disagree with this Policy - delete this application from your device.

Usage of this app means your agreement with this Policy.

Android Advertising ID

This application uses Google Play Services for displaying of advertising messages. Due to this, while the application is being using, data collection and processing are performing in order to improve efficiency of advertisements displaying, in example, for omitting of showing the same advertisements, or to show advertisements that are relevant to your location. You are able to manage settings for advertisements and your data in section "Google" in Settings on your device. The DollarUZ.com service uses also some of these data, like age, sex, language and region with analytic goals only. No any additional processing, e.g. association with other identifiers, is not being processing by the application and servers of the service.

Your chat nickname and messages

Installing this application you are able to set your nickname to represent you in application chat. The nickname is associated with temporary identifier that is being storing and using by your application instance and the service servers together with your messages. This identifiers will not be linked with any other identifier, particularly with Android Advertising ID, or e.g. with your email, phone number or EMEI. The identifier and nickname is using only by your application instance when you compose and send new chat message, and by the service servers and other application instances when messages are being displayed. The service administrator has right to remove your messages if they have offensive or vulgar traits. You will not be able to restore your bind of application and nickname after you removed you application instance. New identifier will be generated on every application installation with request to set your nickname again.

Other data

The application does not use any other personal data, excepting aforementioned.